Footnote: 1: Footnote number one yeah baby!| | In markdown, you can create a with any of the following: _: three consecutive underscores-: three consecutive dashes ***: three consecutive asterisks renders to: Media YouTube Embedded Iframe. Open the Markdown file in a Markdown application.
Click on “Share”, then “Embed” Copy the source ( src ) URL only, and paste it replacing the src below: How do you integrate markdown in HTML? How Does it Work? Create a Markdown file using a text editor or a dedicated Markdown application.If nothing is selected in the textarea, hitting button will just prompt the user for a Youtube URL to embed.| After doing that, the Github markdown editor should get a shiny new button that is able to transform any Youtube URL to the previous code snippet, here is the script in action: Screencast of github-add-youtube-video Greasemonkey script.